Vulnerabilities, Strategies, and Reflections on Technological Innovation and Gender Asymmetries in Latin America and the Caribbean

We explore gender inequalities in technological innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean

With a critical and feminist approach, we explore emerging technology risks and develop strategies to address gender inequalities and gaps. We promote ethical awareness, highlighting gender implications at each stage of technological development.

Challenges and Dimensions of Disinformation in Latin America and the Caribbean

This analysis addresses the disproportionate impact of deepfakes on women, highlighting gender-based cyber violence and the urgent need for gender-sensitive cybersecurity policies, specific regulations, and digital literacy to protect their rights in digital environments.

Evaluation of Deepfakes and Sexist Dynamics on Technological Platformss

This paper analyzes deep fake applications on Android and iOS, evaluating their accessibility and use in sexist contexts. It will identify patterns of unequal use and associated risks and propose recommendations for more ethical and equitable technological policies and practices in LAC.

Systemic Inequalities in Technology: Gender Biases in the Tech Industry

Research on the representation of women in technology, analyzing challenges and gender biases. Recommendations will be proposed to increase diversity and address biases in technological creation to promote a more inclusive and equitable environment in LAC.

About the Project

Implications between Gender and Technology in LAC

We investigate deepfakes at LAC, addressing their ethical and gender implications, identifying challenges, and offering recommendations. We evaluate sexist applications and dynamics in their use, highlighting discriminatory risks. We analyze gender biases in the technology industry, proposing solutions to promote diversity and reduce biases. Our goal is to raise awareness, establish foundations for future actions, and promote ethical and equitable practices in technology in Latin America and the Caribbean.

From a critical perspective, we explore and question the power dynamics in technology in Latin America and the Caribbean, seeking to transform them towards a more socially just world.