About the Project


VERITAS LAC is a research project that explores the complex intersection between technological innovation and gender asymmetries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Divided into three essential parts, it addresses the growing phenomenon of deepfake, evaluates sexist dynamics on technological platforms, and analyzes the systemic roots that perpetuate the lack of gender diversity in the technological field.

With a critical and feminist approach, the project aims to fully understand the risks inherent in emerging technology and propose strategies for a more inclusive and equitable future. It seeks to promote ethical awareness that promotes equity at the intersection between technology and society, underscoring the importance of considering gender implications at all stages of technological development.

General objective

The project's general objective is to investigate and address the phenomenon of deepfake in Latin America and the Caribbean from a critical and feminist perspective. It seeks to understand the ethical and gender implications of this emerging technology, identify associated challenges, and propose recommendations to promote more ethical and equitable technological practices. In addition, the project aims to raise awareness about technological risks and contribute to effective strategies for detecting, preventing, and regulating deepfakes in the region.

Specific objectives

1. Investigate and document the deepfake phenomenon in Latin America and the Caribbean, focusing on its ethical definition and gender implications.

2. Evaluate the availability of applications for creating deepfakes and the sexist organization around their use, analyzing technological platforms for operating systems such as Android and iOS.

3. Analyze the structural causes of deepfake and its disproportionate impact on women, identifying gender biases in technological development and proposing systemic solutions.

4. Promote gender diversity in the technology industry, highlighting the lack of female representation and proposing strategies to reduce bias and improve inclusion.


Challenges and Dimensions of Disinformation in Latin America and the Caribbean

This analysis examines the challenges of misinformation, focusing on deepfakes and their disproportionate impact on women. It analyzes how these technologies have evolved towards more advanced forms of disinformation. Gender cyber violence is highlighted, including pornographic deepfakes and online harassment, which compromise women's privacy and mental health. The urgency of cybersecurity policies with a gender focus, digital literacy, and specific regulations to protect women's rights in digital environments is highlighted.

Evaluation of Deepfakes and Sexist Dynamics on Technological Platforms

The availability and use of deepfake applications will be analyzed on operating systems such as Android and iOS, evaluating accessibility and functionalities. It will use different methodologies to investigate how these tools organize discriminatory practices in sexist contexts. It is expected to identify patterns of unequal use and risks associated with deepfakes, highlighting gender vulnerabilities and proposing recommendations for safer public policies and technological practices. This seeks to promote critical digital literacy and protect rights.

Systemic Inequalities in Technology: Gender Biases in the Tech Industry

Statistics on female representation in technology will be examined, along with interviews, to understand their challenges. It will investigate how the lack of representation affects technology, analyzing cases of gender bias. ALAC will be compared with other regions, and recommendations will be proposed to increase female representation and mitigate technological biases, especially in deepfakes. A detailed analysis of women's barriers to technology in the Region is anticipated to promote a more inclusive and equitable environment.


Challenges and Dimensions of Disinformation in Latin America and the Caribbean
September 2023 - March 2024

Evaluation of Deepfakes and Sexist Dynamics on Technological Platforms
April 2024 - September 2024

Systemic Inequalities in Technology: Gender Biases in the Tech Industry
October 2024 - March 2025